Frequently Asked Questions
Why can’t I adapt this plan to include meat?
The plan is all about transitioning to a whole foods plant-based diet. You are welcome to follow the recommendations of cutting down on meat and other animal products gradually in the first few weeks or you can jump in a cut it all out ‘cold turkey’ so to say.
No one else in the house wants to eat plant-based so it going to be hard to cook just for myself
I hear this a lot, and it’s hard when everyone around you is eating the types of food you might miss. You have to get support from the people around you for this to be successful. So ask them if they would only eat it outside the house or when you are not home. The meal plan can be adapted to add animal products for the rest of the family if they are not open to change. So cook the animal products separately and add them to their meals upon serving.
I’m scared that I will feel deprived and miss my favourite foods
This is a very common feeling. You eat what you like to eat and suddenly you are being told not to eat it anymore. It can conjure up feelings of missing out or deprivation. What you don’t realise is that you are constantly changing some things without thinking about it. Has your favourite brand suddenly made a change of ingredients and you haven’t liked it so you moved on to another brand? When you were six did you eat food that you wouldn’t dream of eating now? Have you changed a job and you can no longer go to your favourite coffee shop? It doesn’t take long for habits to change it is just being consistent for a few weeks. Usually, when we return to an old habit, we sometimes feel that it no longer has a hold on us like it used to. This is the same with your diet now and after your transition.
What about eating out?
Eating out now is much easier than a few years ago. Most pubs and restaurants have a vegan option and if they don’t the chef may be willing to create a meal for you. There are some good tips in out bonus EATING OUT Guide that comes with the plans
Where will I get my protein?
Believe it or not, there is a protein in all plants. Agreed it is sometimes not much but it is still there and available for the body to use. As long as you are eating enough calories then you will be getting enough protein. To be extra sure make sure you add protein-rich foods such as tofu, beans, and lentils to all your meals.
I don’t know where to get the ingredients
All the recipes are using ingredients that any good supermarket will sell. If you are not used to looking for these foods you may not have seen them. Check out the isle that is world food for cheaper dried beans and long life tofu, try the baking aisle for flours and dried fruits, and look in the condiments and sauces for all your spices. If that fails then Amazon is a great resource for finding ingredients.
Won’t I have to spend a lot of time cooking and preparing food?
This is a preconception that comes with making a meal from scratch. The key is to batch cook, buy prepared frozen vegetables and grains, and then you can have a simple meal on the table in 10 minutes.
Isn't it expensive to eat this way?
No, not at all. You can pick up rice and lentils for less than £1 a bag and you will get 5 or 6 portions out of it. Beans are as low as 25p a tin in some bargain shops. You may find that you are going to the shop more often for your fresh produce so if you use frozen vegetables this saves wastage as well. Meat can be around £5 - £8 per kg whereas rice is £1 -£1.50, lentils and beans around £2 -£2.50kg